Thursday, June 30, 2011

We Are Now Taking Orders For Blueberries!

We now have the promised information about the blueberries. Thanks for your patience!

Blueberries will be arriving the last week of July.

The price is $1.25 lb. for orders under 100lb.  For orders 100 lb. and over, the price is $1.20 lb.

Jersey Blueberries
This is the kind that we have gotten in previous years.

-It is a baker's favorite.  Great for fresh eating, freezing, pie fillings, etc.
-It is a rich blue fruit that is medium sized and very sweet
-The flavor of this variety is tops. It is a preferred blueberry variety in this regard.
-They are a delicate berry. 
-They are cleaned. No picking through the berries to get the steams, leaves and green berries out.

Additional Information:

They are available in bulk.  It doesn't matter if it's 2 pounds or 122 pounds. You bring your containers when you come to pick-up your blueberries and we will weigh and fill them.  

Or, you can order them boxed for $1.00 extra to pay for the box.  Our boxes sizes are:
5 lb.,
10 lb.,
and 30 lb.

It is $1.00 extra for the box. 

We are ready to take your orders!  When you are ready to order or if you have any questions, just email us at

We'll be keeping you updated as we know more information and also we'll have additional blueberry "fun stuff" that we'll be posting as well.   So be sure to check back with us soon!

We look forward to hearing from you!

We Are Now Taking Orders For Peaches!

We have two different variety of peaches available this year: Loring & Crest Haven (which is a lot like Red Havens).

Variety Descriptions:

Crest Havens:
Are a medium large sized peach with juicy, but very firm flesh.  They are a free stone peach; meaning the the flesh comes off of the pit easily. The clear, firm flesh is resistant to browning and the skin is smooth, but tough. Ideal for eating, freezing and canning.

Are a large peach with very firm, melting yellow flesh with excellent flavor.  They are also a free stone peach.  This variety is also perfect for eating, freezing and canning.

Both are very similar. I doubt you'll be disappointed in either variety.

Peaches will be coming sometime mid August.

We have #1 and #2's available.  
That does not mean firsts and seconds.  The difference between #1's and #2's is sizing.
 #1's are bigger, #2's are a little smaller.  
Same quality, just different sizes.

Price Per Box:
#1- $26.00
#2- $18.00

The peaches are very nicely packed in 3/4 bushel boxes. If you were to take the peaches out of the box and place them in a bushel basket it would be level to the top.  Since the only way that produce can accurately be measured is by weight, although the basket would be level, it is by weight 3/4 bushel. 

Each box weighs 38 pounds.
One box yields approximately 16-18 quarts of peaches.

We are ready to begin taking your orders!
When you're ready to order or if you have any questions, just contact us via e-mail at

We'll update you as we have more information.

Be sure to keep in touch with us to receive the additional peach "fun stuff" that we'll be posting.

We look forward to hearing from you!

(Please note: we edited the information as we learned of it error. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


We are still awaiting for more information on the blueberries. 
Hopefully, by the early part of next week we will have a firm price to tell you with additional information. 
Keep checking back.  
Thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Welcome to Alexander Farms!

We, the Alexander family, are beginning this blog to share with you and keep you up to date on what's happening at Alexander Farms.  As we share current produce that will be available, we will follow it up with updates as we know more information.

Sweet and juicy blueberries, crispy apples, perfect peaches... what could be better?   Especially when you can get them at a low price.

We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality of produce at the lowest possible cost that we can.  Our goal is to be of service to you, our costumer, to continue building a family economy, and to ultimately glorify God, the One to whom our lives are dedicated to His service.  It is our desire that you would see the results of this in our service to you.

Be sure to keep a close watch on our blog as we will be, Lord willing, updating it frequently with produce updates and fun, extra "goodies".  For your convenience, just become one of our followers, (see on the right), and you will be emailed each time we have posted.

Hope you enjoy reading the post, eating the produce, and interacting with us!
We look forward to serving you in the near future!