
We now have first and second cutting hay available with 3rd to follow later. All our hay is baled in traditional small square bales.

We currently offer two types of hay:

1. Grass hay made from reed canary grass.
First cutting is more "stemy" great as roughage for steers and other animals supplemented with grain. First cutting is $2.50 per bale or $100.00 per ton.
Second and subsequent cuttings are tender and leafy great for any animal any time. Second and subsequent cuttings are $3.00 per bale or $120.00 per ton.

2. Alfalfa grass mix.
First cutting contains more grass in the mix than the second and following cuttings, as the grass discontinues mid summer. Consequently second and third cuttings contain nearly pure alfalfa. All cuttings for the alfalfa and grass mix are $4.00 per bale or $160.00 per ton.

Hauling is available.

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