Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Important Change in the Blueberries that we are receiving on Friday!

First be assured that the blueberries will be here Friday.  We are ready to hear from you to set up your appointment time, and I might add, we very much looking forward to meeting some of you.  What a delight it has been to talk and email back and forth.

Let me start with a little update of the blueberry situation this year.

The market is wild!  Crops are down at least 50 percent.  Prices are going through the roof.  The blueberry farmers are getting $1.45 directly from the processors for their berries.  We have import problems and export issues.  None coming in and ours are going out because they, Korea, will pay high prices.  But the blueberry farmers are not getting rich off of this because there crops are down so far.  It is a grime situation. 

Until just yesterday, Monday Aug 1st, it was still really up in the air about how secure are berries were and how much we would have to pay to get them.

But I must give praise and credit to where it belongs.  We serve an awesome God!  Yesterday He provided a secure source of blueberries for us.   Not only for this year but it looks like for next year as well!  I wish I could take the time to share all the details.  It is really an amazing story. 

Okay here are the details that you need to understand. 
First, we must apologize but due to circumstances totally out of our control the price of the blueberries has changed.  We can not even touch a blueberry for $1.20.  After the first rancher backed out on us the second rancher had to keep upping his price with the market.  His berries are delicious but were not clean and actually he  has not been able to even pick yet.  His crop is really hurting this year. 

Here is what we are getting ( This is for both boxed and bulk):
Hand picked
Blue crop
We have a limited amount of boxed berries too!

The price:
$1.60 for the bulk – you bring your own containers
$1.65 for the boxed

Next year the plan will be, ALL BERRIES WILL BE BOXED AND CLEANED through our new rancher.

Please understand that we only have a limited number of boxed berries at the $1.65 price.  Anyone that order cleaned berries at the $2.10 price will be filled first at the new price of $1.65.  From that point it is first come first serve. 

We are setting up appointments and you can tell us what you prefer but when the boxes are gone they are gone.  Next year this will not be the case.  This is just what we could get this year.  We apologize for this.  I will have boxes available that we can pour your bulk berries in but you will have to purchase those boxes at $1.00 extra for 10 pound and $2.00 for 30 pound.  Or you can just bring your own containers for the bulk berries.  Remember all the berries are clean; meaning that you will not have to pick through green berries, leaves or twigs.  They all will still need washed though. 

Again we apologize for all the ups and downs this year.  It has all been out of our control and we have spent hours working on it.  Basically, this year we have increased the price enough to cover our cost.   This is not a profitable year on our part but we wanted to provide you with berries as we have said we would.  This is the best price that we could come up with.  I think you will be pleased with the berries despite the increase in price. 

We understand if you need to change your order.  We are a big family and understand budgeting.  I fear what blueberries will be this next year in the store.  Please count the cost of the increase in light of other foods.  Someone encouraged me to do this.  The nutritional value in these little berries is really a good investment even at $1.60 or $1.65. 

Please call or email us to set up your time slot to pick up your orders. 

Karen at Alexander Farms